Volcanoes. Fire. Bench. Eruptions. Flame. Heat. The embers. Coals. Warmth. Temperature. The heat. The element. Passion. Warming. Heat. Hot. Snow. Snowflakes. Snow-covered. Ice. Frost. Frozen. Frostbite. Cold. Icy. Water. Steam. Vapors. Moisture. Humidity. Choking. Sweaty. Melting Absorption. Impacts. Suggestions. Touching. Closeness. They touch each other. They touch each other. Communicate. They are changing. They are mutually changing. They are fighting. Martial Arts.

And in fact, they are one. Phenomena on planet Earth. Manifestations of nature. When there is more snow, the heat is low. As the heat rises, the snow melts. Track double liquidity – how “liquid fire” turns “hard water” into steam. As the fire hardens in the rock and the snow evaporates and disappears. Consistently, one destroys the other and becomes one. Everyone becomes the opposite. Or it – the contradiction, lives simultaneously but in different forms. So the essence remains unchanged. Does form define the essence or does it shape the form?

Artist: Magdalena Kalieva

Country: Bulgaria

Media: Watercolor paintings, digital collage, photography

Size: may vary

Year: 2020

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