Materials and techniques used: graphics The copied house, photography, digital collage

The 12 apostles. The 12 months. The 12 zodiac signs. The 12 sons of Jacob. The 12 great Christian holidays. The number 12 is associated with God and divine forces. It is mentioned 187 times in the Christian holy book in the Old and New Testaments. They say 12 is the perfect number. It is considered a symbol of harmony and peace, a sign of self-cultivation. It is this latter that has drawn me to install 12 of my photo-figures in my graphic card The Copied House. I decided to bring the shadows to life with me in the long graphic. I decided to help you in your imagination and fantasy in reading the shadow drawing. View and read only after you have viewed and read everything about the COPIED YARD AND THE COPIED HOUSE project. All theses, explanations and references from the original text apply to the enhanced digital collage with my real face.

I turned the picture upside down to fit properly with the feet down. You could also look at it in the correct direction from a shadow point of view. And here’s a question: which is right? There is no wrong or right. There is a different point of view, there is a different perception, a different position, a different belief. There is nothing wrong. Everything is right. The observer defines the properties of the observed object. And so we arrive at the observer effect, the most popular experiment in quantum physics. Scientists are forced to abandon ideas that have reigned for 400 years and accept the quantum theory that we are directly involved in reality. Consciousness creates reality. I’m just introducing her. I provide it. Conscious observation is the key factor in creating reality, in turning the probable into the real.

The founder of neorealism, Einstein, refused to accept any interpretation that ordinary reality does not exist by itself, independent of observations and measurements. The “hidden variable” approach means that once we discover the hidden factors, all paradoxes resolve themselves. It turns out that we draw cardinal conclusions from pure ignorance. Let yourself be real. Release the reins of cautious reason and flow to yourself and your own sensations. It could be this, it could be that.

Do you defend the Copenhagen interpretation that the observer inevitably affects every observed physical process? You still cannot remain a neutral objective witness to objects and phenomena, including the Copied House. You are already involved in reading and analysis. You have already flinched or remained indifferent – it does not matter, you are part of the observation event. You are changing. Willy-nilly you are not the same anymore. You have upgraded something, you have rejected something. Even more, my Duplicated House doesn’t exist if you’re not watching it. It sets your perception only if you focus on it. Therefore, you create it through your senses. On a second viewing, you may find other hidden details and rediscover it again. After a while, you may see her in a completely different light or shade. So, as I tell you the story of the Copied House and my dwelling inside it from left to right, that:

  1. I enter,
  2. I watch TV,
  3. I enthusiastically engage in a conversation,
  4. I raise a toast with a glass of white wine,

5, 6, 7 and 8. I talk/is lively,

  1. I dream
  2. I try to explain,
  3. I wonder if I should take up housekeeping,
  4. I am a householder,

you may see a completely different meaning in each pose and position. Many more meanings can be hoped for to each of the 12 figures in a biblical, emotional, everyday or whatever plan you want.

This is the good thing about art – that it gives dual development – to both the maker and the consumer. It gives complete freedom to engage or disengage, like or dislike. And that’s the main criterion, I think – I like it/I don’t like it. Beyond philosophy, beyond knowledge, beyond belief, beyond snobbery, beyond suggestion. You and me. Observer and observed.

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