Materials and techniques used: watercolors on paper, painted eggs, photography.

The creation of a painting is like the hatching of life from an egg. Germ of an idea, fertilization, growth, maturity and laying/birth. That even more – nurturing, courting, nurturing, the tortured auto-approval, right up to show time. The combination between eggs and watercolors seems to me appropriate, complementary, compatible. All my pictures are of children, birds, fish, turtles, crocodiles, caterpillars, insects, I wonder if I should add both types of egg-laying mammals – the platypus and the echidna. And the human ovum, some will ask. After all, the egg is hidden in every species.

“The whole world was created from a single egg”, according to an old Latin proverb, or perhaps by inner conviction. And where did this egg come from? Also an old question. It is clear that a clearer symbol than the egg for the beginning of a new life is difficult to hatch. The oval, perfectly formed, flawless, unadulterated egg is itself a universal symbol with its hidden germ from which the whole of a whole manifestation is expected to emerge. The idea that the universe originated from an egg is shared by almost all ancient civilizations and cultures, and vice versa – the egg is associated with the universe. Even the first man, whoever he was, also came from an egg. That even the Earth hatched from a giant egg, according to the Persians.

The egg is associated with symbols of peace and comfort, such as the home, the nest, the shell or the womb of the mother. It is related to the idea of ​​the seed of spiritual life, coming from the alchemical tradition of the philosopher’s egg. In alchemy, a white flower (the silver), a red flower (the gold), and a blue flower (the flower of the sages) grow from the egg. The egg represented the sealed hermetic vessel for carrying out the “Great Experiment”. What does that mean? With creation in community or in private?

It is most eggy before Easter and on Easter. The egg represents the creative power of light, confirms the promise of resurrection as a type of return, and in latent form contains new life sealed within it. Eggs were painted, decorated and painted by Romans, Gauls, Persians and Chinese. After the emergence of Christianity, the egg began to be perceived as a symbol of the birth of man from nature, later also of rebirth, in spring, the beginning of renewal and rebirth in nature and through it in the Easter holidays.

The egg symbolizes the four elements of creation: the shell personifies the earth, the shell – air, the white – water, the yolk – fire.

In the photo-combinations of painted watercolors and painted eggs, I tell about everything written so far – about the process of creation, about my attitude to creativity, about the alchemy of colors, about color symbolism, about compatibility and therapy, about the home of the soul, about the permanent return to the beginning, about the daily resurrection of the artist and about everything oval that is actually perfect.

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