Tourist watercolor or watercolor tourism? Which is primary – road curiosity or self-absorbed painting? In my ART TRAVELS section I present all or almost all of my watercolors, drawings and whims, made with water and color, with ink and pencil only during the trips themselves. There, in the place, in the epicenter of emotions, in the exclaiming wow and the original intention to be there. Time and space dictate its style, color and feel. The hand only obeys. The hand chooses its own trajectory of painting and reflection. Please follow it carefully chronologically and topographically. There are two slogans, two words or phrases for each destination, which concentrate the initial idea and the expectation of the adventure ⇆ the final impression of a farewell. They are called the initial and final logo. Each trip has its own motto in development. Is there a connection between word and picture?
2012 – Maldives: The watercolor beginning, called the project “Maldives”